Swiss National Day Celebration 2019


Club members Edith and Becky after performing at the Swiss Cultural Society of Calgary’s First of August (Swiss National Day) event, 2019.

We were able to round up just enough dancers to perform at the Swiss Cultural Society’s First of August event this year. Because so many of our dances are circle dances, we require a minimum of six dancers to perform a dance. However, the dances look even better with eight or even ten dancers! That is one of the big reasons we are always looking for new dancers—so that we can perform well and really show off the beauty of the Swiss dances.

We had a great time at the First of August celebration. We danced two dances—the Rosmarie Schottisch and the Krawall im Stall. After not practicing for almost two months, we were quite happy with how smoothly the dances went!

Along with performing two dances, the dancers enjoyed handing out Bürli and Nussgipfel to the hungry guests. It was great to see familiar and new faces, and we were excited to be a part of this memorable event.