Fall Start-Up 2019


Club members Helga, Maria, Barbara, and Daniela enjoy a drink at the Austrian-Canadian Cultural Centre, 2019.

On September 3, we were happy to be reunited and back to dancing after our summer adventures. Our new dance location, the Austrian-Canadian Cultural Centre in Calgary, has been a great place to get back into the rhythm.

We have already enjoyed a few drinks upstairs after dancing, and you may even catch a few of the dance ladies sneaking a treat in the restaurant before dancing as well. The restaurant’s cheese spätzle is especially good for getting your energy up for dance practice! Our post-dancing meetings are even more pleasant and chipper now that we have a comfy booth to sit in and refreshing drinks in hand while we discuss club matters.

New Dance

We jumped right into things with a new dance to learn for the new season, directed by Barbara Krusi, Helga Wagner, and Daniela McSween. Over the last few weeks, Barbara, Helga, and Daniela have patiently guided us through learning the steps and parts of the Schilthorn Walzer. You may just get a chance to view our new dance if you are attending our annual Fondue Dance in November. We’re even learning a surprise line dance that may be featured at the Fondue Dance as well if we get the steps and turns sorted out in time!


Club member Nägi that rejoined the club in 2019.

Welcome Back

We are excited to welcome back Nägi, a former member and dance director of the group, to join in our practices and performances. With inclement weather, illnesses, and travel plans often keeping our dancers away, it is always nice to have an extra set of… feet… to help us in our dancing! We hope you had a lovely summer and are staying warm in our early winter weather!